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This page is a work in progress. It is incomplete and will have many changes in the future.

You can find various entities in the game, such as NPCs, Masters, Mobs and Story Enemies. Each of these entities have their own unique properties and can be interacted with in different ways. This page will provide a brief overview of each NPC, Masters and Mobs entities in the game. Note that Story Enemies are not included in this page, as they are practically all the same, with the only difference being their appearance and stats.


The NPCs in the game are the characters that you can interact with. They can be found in various locations throughout the game, they can provide you some Items, Functionalities or just some information about the game.\ For more depth information about the locations, check the Locations page.

  1. Master Korin
  2. Location: Korin's Tower, Overworld.
  3. Functionality: Gives you Senzu Beans and a Nimbus.
    • Notes: You can only get Senzu Beans from him every five minutes.
    • The Nimbus varies between Flying Nimbus and Dark Nimbus depending on your alignment.
  4. Dende
  5. Location: Kami's Lookout, Overworld.
  6. Functionality: Heals you, resets your character, changes your alignment and cuts your tail.
    • Notes: Reseting your character will erase all your DragonMine Z related progress.
    • Your tail can only be cutted or regrown if you're Saiyan.
  7. King Yemma
  8. Location: King Yemma's Palace, Other World.
  9. Functionality: Sends you back to the Overworld.
    • Notes: You can only go to the Other World if you're dead. And you can only go back to the Overworld if you revived with Uranai Baba.
  10. Uranai Baba
  11. Location: King Yemma's Palace, Other World.
  12. Functionality: Revives you temporarily, or permanently if you have waited enough time.
    • Notes: If she revives you temporarily, you will have to search the Dragon Balls to revive permanently.
    • Alternatively, you can wait more time to be revived permanently.
  13. Elder Guru
  14. Location: Sacred Land Biome, Namek.
  15. Functionality: Unlocks your potential.
    • Notes: You can only unlock your potential once per character.
    • Only unlocks your potential if you already have the Potential Unlock skill maxed.


The Masters in the game are the characters that you can train with. They can be found in various locations throughout the game, they can provide you some Skills, Transformations or just some information about the game.\ For more depth information about the locations, check the Locations page.\ For more depth information about the skills, check the Skills page.

  1. Master Roshi
  2. Location: Kame House, Ocean Biome, Overworld.
  3. Functionality: Trains you and teaches you the Meditation and Jump skills.
  4. Master Goku
  5. Location: Goku's House, Plains Biome, Overworld.
  6. Functionality: Trains you and teaches you the Fly, Ki Control and Ki Manipulation skills.
  7. Master King Kai
  8. Location: King Kai's Planet, Other World.
  9. Functionality: Trains you and teaches you the Potential Unlock and Kaioken skills.