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Commands Information for Servers

DragonMine Z offers a few commands to help server owners and players manage other player stats. There's also a command to make debug, commands related to the storyline, and more. These commands are available only to players with the appropriate permissions.

Player Commands:

  1. /dmzalignment <set|add|remove> <points> <player>
  2. Set: Set the alignment points of a player, overwriting the current value.
  3. Add: Add alignment points to a player.
  4. Remove: Remove alignment points from a player.
  5. /dmzstats <set|add|remove> <stat|all> <quantity> <player>
  6. Set: Set the value of a stat of a player, overwriting the current value.
  7. Add: Add points to a stat of a player.
  8. Remove: Remove points from a stat of a player.
  9. Stat should be replaced by the name of the stat you want to change, for example, strenght.
  10. /dmzpoints <set|add|remove> <points> <player> - ZPoints = TPs
  11. Set: Set the points of a player, overwriting the current value.
  12. Add: Add points to a player.
  13. Remove: Remove points from a player.
  14. /dmzrestart <player>
  15. Restart the player, resetting all stats, skills, and everything else to the default values.
  16. The player can create their character again after using this command.
  17. This is the same as using the Reset Character option from the Dende NPC.
  18. /dmzrevive <player>
  19. Revive a dead player.
  20. Also removes the Halo from the player.
  21. /dmzpermaeffects <give|take> <effect> <player>
  22. Give: Give a permanent effect to a player.
  23. Take: Remove a permanent effect from a player.
  24. Effect should be replaced by the name of the effect you want to give or remove, for example, majin.
  25. /dmztempeffects <give|take> <effect> <duration> <player>
  26. Give: Give a temporary effect to a player.
  27. Take: Remove a temporary effect from a player.
  28. Effect should be replaced by the name of the effect you want to give or remove, for example, mightfruit.
  29. Duration should be replaced by the duration of the effect in seconds.
  30. /dmzskill <give|set|take> <skill> <level> <player>
  31. Give: Give a skill to a player.
  32. Set: Set the level of a skill of a player, overwriting the current value.
  33. Take: Remove a skill from a player.
  34. Skill should be replaced by the name of the skill you want to give, set, or remove, for example, fly or potential_unlock.
  35. /dmzforms <give|set|take> <form_id> <level> <player>
  36. Give: Give a form to a player.
  37. Set: Set the level of a form of a player, overwriting the current value.
  38. Take: Remove a form from a player.
  39. Form_id should be replaced by the id of the form you want to give, set, or remove, for example, super_form.

Storyline Commands:

  1. /dmzstoryline set <saga|quest|objective> <id> <completed>
  2. Set the status of a saga or quest of a player.
  3. If Saga is used, the id should be the saga id, for example, saiyan.
  4. If Quest is used, the id should be the quest id, for example, saiyQuest3.
  5. If Objective is used, the id should be the quest id, for example, saiyQuest3.
  6. Completed should be replaced by the status you want to set, true or false.
  7. /dmzstoryline get <saga|quest|objective> <id>
  8. TBD
  9. /dmzstoryline reset <saga|quest|all> <id>
  10. Reset the status of a saga or quest of a player.
  11. If Saga is used, the id should be the saga id, for example, saiyan.
  12. If Quest is used, the id should be the quest id, for example, saiyQuest3.
  13. If All is used, no id is needed.
  14. /dmzstoryline list <sagas|quests|objectives>
  15. If Sagas is used, it will list all sagas.
  16. If Quests is used, it will list all quests.
  17. If Objectives is used, it will list all objectives.
  18. /dmzstoryline debug data
  19. TBD
  20. /dmzstoryline debug start <saga|quest> <id>
  21. TBD

Server Useful Commands:

  1. /dmzlocate <structure>
  2. Same use as the /locate command, but for DragonMine Z structures.
  3. You need to be in the same dimension as the structure you want to locate, otherwise, the command will not work.
  4. The available structures are: KamiLookout, HyperbolicTimeChamber, KorinTower, GokuHouse, KameHouse, KingKaiPlanet, ElderGuruHouse.
  5. /data get entity <Player> ForgeCaps.dragonminez:mod
  6. Will return all the Player's data related to DragonMine Z.
  7. This command is useful for debugging everything related to the mod.
  8. /daga get entity <Player> ForgeCaps.dragonminez:storyline
  9. Will return all the Player's storyline data.
  10. This command is useful for debugging specifically the storyline.