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Servers | General Configuration

Welcome to the DragonMine Z Server Configuration page! Here you will find all the information you need to know about the general configurations of the mod. Please note that with every big update (v1.2, v1.3, etc...) some configurations may change or be added, so you'll have to delete the old configuration file and let the mod generate a new one with the new configurations. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Attributes Configs:

  • Max Attributes: The maximum amount of attributes a player can have.
  • ZPoints per Hit: The amount of ZPoints obtainer every time a player hits an entity.
  • ZPoints Cost: The multiplier of the ZPoints cost for each attribute point.
  • ZPoints Gain: The multiplier of the ZPoints gain for every entity killed.
  • ZPoints Multiplier (HTC): The multiplier of the ZPoints gain for every entity killed or hitted in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
Config Minimum Value Default Value Maximum Value
Max Attributes 100 5000 100000
ZPoints per Hit 1 2 100
ZPoints Cost 1.0 1.2 20.0
ZPoints Gain 1.0 1.2 20.0
ZPoints Multiplier (HTC) 1.0 3.0 60.0
Note: Remember to restart your server after changing any configuration to apply the changes.

General Configs:

  • Fall Damage Multiplier: The multiplier percentage of the fall damage received.
  • Senzu Bean Cooldown: The cooldown in seconds for the Senzu Bean usage.
  • Senzu Bean Give Amount: The amount of Senzu Beans given to the player when talking to Korin.
  • Senzu Bean Wait Time: The time in seconds the player has to wait to get another Senzu Bean from Korin.
  • Fruit of the Tree of Might Multiplier: The multiplier of the stats gained when eating a Fruit of the Tree of Might.
  • Majin Mark Effect Multiplier: The multiplier of the stats gained when a player has the Majin Mark effect.
Config Minimum Value Default Value Maximum Value
Fall Damage Multiplier 0.01 0.05 1.00
Senzu Bean Cooldown 1 10 60
Senzu Bean Give Amount 1 5 10
Senzu Bean Wait Time 1 300 36000
Fruit of the Tree of Might Multiplier 1.0 1.3 20.0
Majin Mark Effect Multiplier 1.0 1.5 20.0
Note: Remember to restart your server after changing any configuration to apply the changes.

Shenron / Porunga Configs:

  • Dragon Ball Spawn Range: The range in blocks where the Dragon Balls will spawn from the Dragon despawn position.
  • Shenron -> Senzus Amount: The amount of Senzu Beans Shenron will give you when you wish for them.
  • Shenron -> Stat Capsule Amount: The amount of Stat Capsules Shenron will give you when you wish for them.
  • Porunga -> Senzus Amount: The amount of Senzu Beans Porunga will give you when you wish for them.
  • Porunga -> Stat Capsule Amount: The amount of Stat Capsules Porunga will give you when you wish for them.
Config Minimum Value Default Value Maximum Value
Dragon Ball Spawn Range 3000 2000 20000
Shenron -> Senzus Amount 1 4 64
Shenron -> Stat Capsule Amount 1 2 64
Porunga -> Senzus Amount 1 8 64
Porunga -> Stat Capsule Amount 1 4 64
Note: Remember to restart your server after changing any configuration to apply the changes.

Skills Configs:

  • Jump Skill TP Cost from Masters: The amount of TP required to learn the Jump Skill from a Master.
  • Jump Skill TP Cost from Levels: The amount of TP required to level up the Jump Skill.
  • Fly Skill TP Cost from Masters: The amount of TP required to learn the Fly Skill from a Master.
  • Fly Skill TP Cost from Levels: The amount of TP required to level up the Fly Skill.
  • PotUnlock Skill TP Cost from Masters: The amount of TP required to learn the Potential Unlock Skill from a Master.
  • PotUnlock Skill TP Cost from Levels: The amount of TP required to level up the Potential Unlock Skill.
  • Meditation Skill TP Cost from Masters: The amount of TP required to learn the Meditation Skill from a Master.
  • Meditation Skill TP Cost from Levels: The amount of TP required to level up the Meditation Skill.
  • KiControl Skill TP Cost from Masters: The amount of TP required to learn the Ki Control Skill from a Master.
  • KiControl Skill TP Cost from Levels: The amount of TP required to level up the Ki Control Skill.
  • KiManipulation Skill TP Cost from Masters: The amount of TP required to learn the Ki Manipulation Skill from a Master.
  • KiManipulation Skill TP Cost from Levels: The amount of TP required to level up the Ki Manipulation Skill.
Config Minimum Value Default Value Maximum Value
Jump Skill TP Cost from Masters 1 400 1000000000
Jump Skill TP Cost from Levels 1 250 1000000000
Fly Skill TP Cost from Masters 1 1750 1000000000
Fly Skill TP Cost from Levels 1 750 1000000000
PotUnlock Skill TP Cost from Masters 1 3500 1000000000
PotUnlock Skill TP Cost from Levels 1 1300 1000000000
Meditation Skill TP Cost from Masters 1 500 1000000000
Meditation Skill TP Cost from Levels 1 150 1000000000
KiControl Skill TP Cost from Masters 1 500 1000000000
KiControl Skill TP Cost from Levels 1 100 1000000000
KiManipulation Skill TP Cost from Masters 1 12500 1000000000
KiManipulation Skill TP Cost from Levels 1 5000 1000000000
Note: Remember to restart your server after changing any configuration to apply the changes.

For Racial Configs information, check the Racial Configs page.\ For more information about the commands, check the Commands page.