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Character Information

DragonMine Z offers a variety of Character Customization!
You can choose what race you want to be between Human, Saiyan, Namek, Bio-Android, Cold Demon and Majin.
You can also customize your character's appearance, such as their hair style and color, eyes style and color, body type and color, alignment, and more! These customizations are purely cosmetic and do not affect your character's stats, the only thing that affects your stats and abilities, is the Race you choose.

Each race has its own unique Stats Balancing, Passive Skill and Transformations. But every race has access to the same Skills and Techniques, so you can still learn any skill you want, regardless.

Passive Skills

Note that there's a more depth Passive Skills description in the Racial Config page.

  1. Humans: Recharge - Humans have a faster Ki Charge rate whilst holding the Ki Charge key.
  2. Saiyans: Zenkai - Saiyans gain a small permanent stat boost and heals a small amount of health when they survive a near-death experience. This has cooldown and maximum uses.
  3. Nameks: Meditation - Nameks have a faster passive Ki Charge rate.
  4. Bio-Androids: Absorption - Bio-Androids can heal a percentage of the damage they deal to enemies while being low on health.
  5. Cold Demons: Mutant - Cold Demons have an increased TP Gain rate, which is even higher when they're on the Hyperbolic Time Chamber or in the King Kai's Planet.
  6. Majins: Regeneration - Majins have a passive health regeneration.


This section is a work in progress. It is incomplete and will have many changes in the future.

Note that there's a more depth Transformations description in the Transformations page.

  1. Humans: Buffed, Full Power, Potential Unleashed, Beyond the Limits.
  2. Saiyans: Oozaru, Golden Oozaru, Super Saiyan 1, Super Saiyan Grade 2, Super Saiyan Grade 3, Mastered Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3.
  3. Nameks: Giant, Full Power, Potential Unleashed, Orange.
  4. Bio-Androids: Semi-Perfect, Perfect, Super-Perfect, Ultra.
  5. Cold Demons: Second Form, Third Form, Base Form, Full Power, Fifth Form, Mecha.
  6. Majins: Evil, Kid, Super, Ultra.

We're not including any God Forms in this list, as they're not planned to be added to the game until a later stage. This list may change in the future, or new transformations may be added. Additionally, some races like Nameks will have another way to increase their powers, like Assimilation, or Majins will have their Absorption ability.