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Commands Information for Servers

DragonMine Z offers a few commands to help server owners and players manage other player stats. There's also a command to make debug, commands related to the storyline, and more. These commands are available only to players with the appropriate permissions.

Player Commands:

  1. /dmzalignment <set|add|remove> <points> <player>
    • Set: Set the alignment points of a player, overwriting the current value.
    • Add: Add alignment points to a player.
    • Remove: Remove alignment points from a player.
  2. /dmzstats <set|add|remove> <stat|all> <quantity> <player>
    • Set: Set the value of a stat of a player, overwriting the current value.
    • Add: Add points to a stat of a player.
    • Remove: Remove points from a stat of a player.
    • Stat should be replaced by the name of the stat you want to change, for example, strenght.
  3. /dmzpoints <set|add|remove> <points> <player> - ZPoints = TPs
    • Set: Set the points of a player, overwriting the current value.
    • Add: Add points to a player.
    • Remove: Remove points from a player.
  4. /dmzrestart <player>
    • Restart the player, resetting all stats, skills, and everything else to the default values.
    • The player can create their character again after using this command.
    • This is the same as using the Reset Character option from the Dende NPC.
  5. /dmzrevive <player>
    • Revive a dead player.
    • Also removes the Halo from the player.
  6. /dmzpermaeffects <give|take> <effect> <player>
    • Give: Give a permanent effect to a player.
    • Take: Remove a permanent effect from a player.
    • Effect should be replaced by the name of the effect you want to give or remove, for example, majin.
  7. /dmztempeffects <give|take> <effect> <duration> <player>
    • Give: Give a temporary effect to a player.
    • Take: Remove a temporary effect from a player.
    • Effect should be replaced by the name of the effect you want to give or remove, for example, mightfruit.
    • Duration should be replaced by the duration of the effect in seconds.
  8. /dmzskill <give|set|take> <skill> <level> <player>
    • Give: Give a skill to a player.
    • Set: Set the level of a skill of a player, overwriting the current value.
    • Take: Remove a skill from a player.
    • Skill should be replaced by the name of the skill you want to give, set, or remove, for example, fly or potential_unlock.
  9. /dmzforms <give|set|take> <form_id> <level> <player>
    • Give: Give a form to a player.
    • Set: Set the level of a form of a player, overwriting the current value.
    • Take: Remove a form from a player.
    • Form_id should be replaced by the id of the form you want to give, set, or remove, for example, super_form.

Storyline Commands:

  1. /dmzstoryline set <saga|quest|objective> <id> <completed>
    • Set the status of a saga or quest of a player.
    • If Saga is used, the id should be the saga id, for example, saiyan.
    • If Quest is used, the id should be the quest id, for example, saiyQuest3.
    • If Objective is used, the id should be the quest id, for example, saiyQuest3.
    • Completed should be replaced by the status you want to set, true or false.
  2. /dmzstoryline get <saga|quest|objective> <id>
    • TBD
  3. /dmzstoryline reset <saga|quest|all> <id>
    • Reset the status of a saga or quest of a player.
    • If Saga is used, the id should be the saga id, for example, saiyan.
    • If Quest is used, the id should be the quest id, for example, saiyQuest3.
    • If All is used, no id is needed.
  4. /dmzstoryline list <sagas|quests|objectives>
    • If Sagas is used, it will list all sagas.
    • If Quests is used, it will list all quests.
    • If Objectives is used, it will list all objectives.
  5. /dmzstoryline debug data
    • TBD
  6. /dmzstoryline debug start <saga|quest> <id>
    • TBD

Server Useful Commands:

  1. /dmzlocate <structure>
    • Same use as the /locate command, but for DragonMine Z structures.
    • You need to be in the same dimension as the structure you want to locate, otherwise, the command will not work.
    • The available structures are: KamiLookout, HyperbolicTimeChamber, KorinTower, GokuHouse, KameHouse, KingKaiPlanet, ElderGuruHouse.
  2. /data get entity <Player> ForgeCaps.dragonminez:mod
    • Will return all the Player's data related to DragonMine Z.
    • This command is useful for debugging everything related to the mod.
  3. /daga get entity <Player> ForgeCaps.dragonminez:storyline
    • Will return all the Player's storyline data.
    • This command is useful for debugging specifically the storyline.