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Race-based Configuration


Every race has its own unique configuration file that can be found in the config/races directory. These files are used to define different values for each race, so that they can have unique stats and other features. For example, having a Tank race, a Melee focused race, and a Ki focused Race.

In the config/races directory, you will find a file for every race that contains almost the same values. These values are used to define the "multiplier" for every stat. Also, you're gonna find a "Passive" section that contains the passive skill that each race has.

Stats Configuration

As mentioned before, in the DMZ<Race>Config.toml file, you'll find a section called Warrior Class Multiplier and a Warrior Class Initial Stats; along with other section called Spiritualist Class Multiplier and a Spiritualist Class Initial Stats. These sections are used to define the multiplier for each stat for each class.

<Class> Class Multiplier

You'll have to define the multiplier for each stat for each class.
The stats are: STR - Strenght, DEF - Defense, CON - Constitution, PWR - Ki Power and ENE - Energy. These values are used to calculate the final stats, for example:
If a race have a CON multiplier of 1.2 and 100 points in the CON stat, will have 144 HP.
If a race have a CON multiplier of 1.8 and 100 points in the CON stat, will have 216 HP.

Stat Min Value Default Value Max Value
STR 1.0 1.0 200.0
DEF 1.0 1.0 200.0
CON 1.0 1.0 200.0
PWR 1.0 1.0 200.0
ENE 1.0 1.0 200.0
This table can be used as reference for both classes.

Remember that, if you modify the Warrior Class Multiplier in the DMZSaiyanConfig.toml file, you have to create a Saiyan using the Warrior Class to see the changes.
If you modify the Spiritualist Class Multiplier in the DMZSaiyanConfig.toml file, you have to create a Saiyan using the Spiritualist Class to see the changes.

Passive Skill Configuration

Every race has its own passive skill. This skill is defined in the Passive section.
1. Humans have a Passive Skill that increases the Ki Regeneration whilst holding the Ki Charge key by a 25%.
2. Saiyans have its iconic Zenkai Passive, that increases the player stats a 10% and heals a 25% HP after surviving 6 seconds below 10% HP. This passive has a cooldown of 45 minutes and a maximum of 2 uses per character.
3. Nameks have a Passive Skill that increases the passive Ki Regeneration by a 40%.
4. Bio Androids have a Passive Skill that heals a 5% of the damage dealt while being below 50% HP, increased by a 10% if below 25% HP.
5. Cold Demons have a Passive Skill that increases by x1.2 the TPs gained by every source. This works even better in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber or in the King Kai's Planet, due to the natural multiplier of these places.
6. Majins have a PAssive Skill that heals a 1% HP every second.

Race Passive Min Value Default Value Max Value
Humans 1 25 100
Saiyans: Stat Boost 1 10 30
Saiyans: HP Heal 1 25 100
Saiyans: Cooldown 1 45 600
Saiyans: Max Uses 1 2 10
Nameks 1 40 100
Bio Androids: Half HP LifeSteal 1 5 50
Bio Androids: Quarter HP LifeSteal 1 10 50
Cold Demons 1.0 1.2 3.0
Majins 1.0 1.0 10.0

Transformations Configuration

Also, inside the config/races directory, you'll find another directory called transformations. This directory contains the transformation files for every race and transformation.
In those files, you'll find the Multiplier value, that is used to define the multiplier for the STR, DEF and PWR stats for each transformation.
Also, you'll find the Ki Cost value, that is used to define the Ki cost for each transformation.

For example, in the DMZTrBioAndroidConfig.toml file, you'll find the Bio Android transformations, Imperfect being the base form.
We're gonna use the Imperfect transformation as an example.

Imperfect Value Min Value Default Value Max Value
Multiplier 1.0 1.0 200.0
Ki Cost 0 0 20000
This table can be used as reference for every transformation.

While being in the Imperfect transformation (the Base form), the player will have normal stats, and no ki consume.
If you transform into Semi-Perfect form, the player will have, for example: a 1.2 multiplier for the STR, DEF and PWR stats, and will consume 500 Ki.
So, if in the Imperfect form, the player has 100 points in the STR stat, in the Semi-Perfect form, the player will have 120 points in the STR stat.

Important Notes

The Transformations Multipliers are additive to other types of multipliers, like the Effects Multipliers or the States Multipliers.
So, if you're in the Semi-Perfect form, and you have a STR multiplier of 1.2, and you use the Majin effect that gives you a 1.5 multiplier, you'll have a 1.7 multiplier for the STR, DEF and PWR stats.

The Transformations Multipliers cannot be added or multiplied by other Transformations Multipliers.